The purpose of Leadership Kershaw County is to nurture and engage current and potential leaders. The program will educate participants through team building, professional development, and networking activities to foster deeper involvement in Kershaw County.
The program is 8 sessions including a retreat and a graduation ceremony over a 10-month period. Each session will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month with a few exceptions. There will be a retreat and sessions covering the following topics:
- Business & Industry
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Education & Arts
- Government & Law Enforcement
- Health & Wellness
- Non-Profits & Faith Groups
Click HERE for the 2024-25 program dates and HERE for the Program Policy statement.
To enhance the Leadership Kershaw County experience and increase community engagement, in addition to the retreat and sessions, a class project will be selected by the participants.

Program Tuition
In order to manage costs for participants, Leadership Kershaw County works to get sponsorships from community businesses and organizations. Tuition and sponsorships cover all program costs including the retreat, facilitator costs, materials and meals for each program day, graduation dinner and transportation needs.
Fee Schedule:
Chamber Member or United Way Partner Agency Price $750
Non-Chamber Member Price $1000
Partial scholarships will be offered for those who show a financial need. You can indicate your interest in and reasoning for a partial scholarship on the application.
Click HERE to complete the application.
Complete all required questions and submit a 1-2 page resume separately to leadershipkershawcounty@gmail.com
The application deadline for the 2024-25 program is June 21, 2024. Resumes must also be submitted by this deadline to be considered.
Applications will be reviewed by a committee, with the goal of creating a diverse class based on race, gender, industry, professional background and leadership experience. A maximum of 15 individuals will be selected for the 2024-25 class. Notifications will be made in early July 2024.